APO Computing Resources


Computing resources from a user's viewpoint is a private network with access to the APO servers and the internet.  APO has two user networks, one for GUESTS and one for APO, and networks for the telescopes accessed through a project specific host machine.

Project hosts are:

You will need an account on the machine and will need to give us a passphrase protected ssh key for logging in.  We are working on a script to easily generate and email us the key.  For security reasons, ssh is the only access allowed to a telescope network from a different network.  This means a user must use ssh and tunneling.  For more information about setting up tunneling, go here.

Web Pages

The APO web pages are maintained by a staff technical writer, the local project staff, and IT for active content pages.

Project pages for local staff are different than the project pages for outside users.  Project pages should be found at these locations. SDSS is the only one that meets the standard.


There is a public network, GUEST, and an internal network for local staff, APO. The GUEST network and APO network are identical as far as performance is concerned.  They are separated in the firewall with routing rules.  If someone would like access to the APO internal networks, they need to send an email to IT.

The SSID is GUEST or GUEST# where # is an integer number, i.e. GUEST1, GUEST2, ...  This network is, with users IPs The wifi is open access protected by a firewall.  There are network jacks on the walls which are provided for the network phones and other APO network devices.

There appears to be a WiFi problem with the Yosemite and El Capitan OS installed on the newer laptops.  Older laptops with an older OS works without problems.  The newer users are talking about poor performance and dropouts.  There is a problem with the newer OS caused by Apple using a second connection to the WiFi for Bonjour.  I have asked several people to try turning this channel off with a “ifconfig awdl0 down” command from the command line.  It is reported that fixes the problem.

If there are problems with the WiFi, tell IT the details of what you are seeing.  It is impossible to fix things when the complaint is, it is not working very well.  It would help to know the OS being used, the rough age for the laptop, the things you were trying to do (Skype, big transfer, etc.), and what is the problem.  These have been the clues that have helped to direct finding the fix.  It would also be good to hear when something works, such as turning off the awdl0 device.


APO Network

Guest Network


For the users manual for the site phones click here.